Written by: Stacey Lim
There is no doubt that our personalities highly influence how we approach our friendships and who we are. To better understand our personalities and how it affects our interpersonal relationships, we can analyze aspects of ourselves, such as our personality type. Luckily for us, countless quizzes can help us determine which personality type we have. An example of such a quiz would be the MBTI 16 personalities. In our blogs, we will be exploring these 16 personality types – how these individuals with these different personalities are and how they are when it comes to interpersonal relationships such as friendships and relationships.
The analysts. These are the people who are the most logical and enterprising. Those who possess this personality are characterized by their shared Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T) personality traits. In general, individuals with Analyst personalities are known for their love for rationality. There are four Analyst personalities in total – Architects (INFJ), Logicians (INTP), Commanders (ENTJ), and Debaters (ENTP).
Diplomats, the ones who are the most compassionate and caring. These personalities are characterized by their shared Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) personality traits. In general, individuals with Diplomat personalities care about helping and connecting with others. There are four Diplomat personalities in total – Advocates (INFJ), Mediator (INFP), Protagonists (ENFJ), and Campaigners (ENFP).
Next, the Explorers. People of this personality type are curious and fun-seeking. These personalities are characterized by their shared Observant (S) and Prospecting (P) personality traits. In general, individuals with Explorer personalities tend to be self-reliant and quick-thinking. There are four Explorer personalities in total – Virtuosos (ISTP), Adventurers (ISFP), Entrepreneurs (ESTP), and Entertainers (ESFP).
Lastly, the Sentinels. They are hardworking and dutiful. These personalities are characterized by their shared Observant (S) and Judging (J) personality traits. Individuals with Sentinel personalities are cooperative, practical, and grounded. There are four Sentinel personalities in total – Logisticians (ISTJ), Defenders (ISFJ), Executives (ESTJ), and Consuls (ESFJ).
Want to find out more about these interesting personalities?
Check out our other articles on the 16 Personalities (MBTI):
Curious about your personality type? Consider taking this quiz to find out, https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test.
Personality Types. (n.d.). 16 Personalities. https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types.